Applications~Permits~Licenses~Fee Schedule
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- Jump to: Animal Control~Pet Licensing
- Jump to: Borough Clerk's Office~Vital Records~OPRA
- Jump to: Borough Clerk's Office~Vital Records~OPRA - Banners, Event Licensing & Public Service Projects
- Jump to: Borough Clerk's Office~Vital Records~OPRA - OPRA Open Public Records Act
- Jump to: Borough Clerk's Office~Vital Records~OPRA - Voting
- Jump to: Borough Clerk's Office~Vital Records~OPRA - Vital Statistics
- Jump to: Code Enforcement~Rental Inspections
- Jump to: Construction Permits~Inspections
- Jump to: Emergency Management
- Jump to: Engineer~Lot Dev~Driveway~Sewer Connection Permits
- Jump to: Fees & Rates Schedule
- Jump to: Fire Prevention~Home Sale & Commercial Insp
- Jump to: Health Department Services
- Jump to: Planning~Land Use~Master Plan~Hist Presv
- Jump to: Police
- Jump to: Public Works~Service Request Forms
- Jump to: Recreation Programs~Events
- Jump to: Selling Your House~Inspections
- Jump to: Sewer Utility Billing
- Jump to: Tax Assessor~Tax Map
- Jump to: Tax Collector
- Jump to: Zoning~Compliance Review & Permit~Signs
- Cat License Copy of current rabies certificate is needed to obtain a cat license.
- Dog License Copy of current rabies certificate needed to obtain a dog license.
- Domestic Animal & Fowl License For Animals Other Than Cats and Dogs
- Register and Renew OnLine Register and Renew Pet Licenses OnLine.
Return application form to the Borough Clerk's Office, Phoenix House, First Floor, 2 W. Main St. ***NOTICE TO ALL PET OWNERS: PET LICENSE RENEWAL NOTICES ARE SENT OUT VIA E-MAIL ONLY. *** - Cat License
- Banner Display Request (Main Street) All requests to display a banner across Main Street (Route 24) will require approval from both the Mayor & Council and the Morris County Board of Commissioners (formerly known as the Morris County Board of Freeholders). A certificate of insurance naming the Borough of Mendham as an additional insured is also required. Please review the application for further information and allow adequate time for processing and approval.
- Blue Light Permit -First Aid Squad Members Only Volunteers of the Mendham Borough Fire Department and First Aid Squad who are active members in good standing may apply for a blue emergency warning light for their personal vehicle. Approval is required from the Fire Chief or First Aid Squad Captain. Completed applications should be submitted to the Borough Clerk's office for further approval by the Mayor and MVC processing.
- Hometown Heroes Banner Request The Borough of Mendham's Hometown Heroes Banner Program is open to any honorably discharged U.S. Military veteran, living or deceased, as well as active-duty or reserve members who currently live or lived in Mendham Borough. Applications must be submitted no later than April 1st for the current year’s program.
- Public Service Project Proposal Individuals or local organizations wishing to complete a public service project in Mendham Borough must complete this application and include an attached map/sketch showing the location and scope of the project. Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Service Award Projects require a copy of the completed Scouting Service Award Project Workbook which must also be attached to the application. All proposed public service projects require approval from Mayor & Council approval. Check Borough Council Meeting dates for planning purposes.
- Raffle License Step by step guide on how to apply for a Raffle, Bingo, Etc.
- Road Closure Application All requests to close a portion of a residential street for an event such as a block party requires approval by the Mayor & Council. Applications should be submitted to the Borough Clerk a minimum of 30 days before the date of the event.
- Special Event/Activity Permit Application A Special Event is any event which is conducted, sponsored or permitted by any organized group of persons and which involves any advance publicity or advertising by or from said group. Any installation of banners, signage, and /or awareness decorations on public property required approval on the Special Event Permit.The Borough does not allow any markings on street pavement. A Certificate of Insurance naming the Borough of Mendham as an additional insured must accompany application. The following insurance liability coverage is required: a) Bodily Injury Liability in the amount of $2,000,000 per person, per occurrence; b) Property Damage Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence, $1,000,000 annual aggregate.
- Banner Display Request (Main Street)
- OPRA (Open Public Records Act) Request Individuals wishing to obtain government records should submit an OPRA (Open Public Records Act) Request Form. The completed OPRA form should be attached as a PDF to your email. Email the completed form to the Borough Clerk (or Police Records Custodian for police records) at the email address stated on the OPRA Request form. Please be specific identifying the record(s) you wish to obtain to help expedite processing.
- OPRA (Open Public Records Act) Request
- Voter Registration and Election Information Visit the Voter Information webpage for more information on voter registration, polling locations, how to apply for a Vote by Mail ballot and all things election-related.
- Voter Registration Application Registered voters who have moved to Mendham Borough from another town within Morris County or are new to the State of New Jersey must file a new Voter Registration Application at least 30 days before the next election date to qualify to vote in that election. This application form can also be used to update a voter's change of name, change of address or party affiliation.
- Voter Registration and Election Information
- Marriage or Civil Union License Apply for a marriage or civil union license in Mendham Borough only if either applicant resides in Mendham Borough OR in instances where neither party is a resident of New Jersey but the marriage or civil union ceremony will be held in Mendham Borough. Applications are taken by appointment only.
- Request for Certified Copy of Birth, Marriage, or Death Record Requests for a certified copy of a vital record must be accompanied by valid forms of ID. There is a $10 fee for each certified copy.
- Vital Statistics Information How to obtain a copy of a Birth/Death/Marriage Certificate or apply for a Marriage/Civil Union License.
- Marriage or Civil Union License
- Landlord/Tenant Rental Registration & Rental Inspection The mandatory Landlord/Tenant Registration & Inspection Form must be renewed annually or in the event of a change of Tenant.
- Rental Inspection Check List
- Vacant Property Registration Statement This Application/Statement is mandated to be completed for any vacant property located within the Borough.
- Landlord/Tenant Rental Registration & Rental Inspection
ALL INSPECTIONS MUST BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE SDL PORTAL. To schedule or check status of permitting & inspections click on the SDL link above. If you do not have an SDL account click on Create Account and follow the instructions. Login to your account and go to Check a Building Permit Status link and enter the Permit # to review status of permitting & inspections for the property. To schedule an inspection go to On Line Request and scroll down and click on Building Inspections link. To confirm there are No Open Permits go to Find a Property Link and enter the address, block or lot to review status of all permits for the property.- Construction Permit Application Packet & Related Forms The Mendham Borough Construction Department utilizes the State Department of Community Affairs UCC Construction Permit Application Forms and Packet. Please fill out all required application forms located on the State site. Please print completed UCC application forms and submit the hard copy of your application forms at the Borough Construciton Office or in the Drop Box at the front of the Bowers Building, 6 W Main St. 07945. Completed applications forms may also be sent via US Mail or other delivery service. UCC APPLICATION FORMS MUST BE LEGIBLE AND NOT HAVE OFFICE ONLY SECTIONS BLACKED OUT. UCC APPLICATION FORMS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED ELECTRONICALLY DUE TO THE STATE MANDATING A RAISED CONTRACTOR SEAL ON MOST FORMS. The NJ UCC allows a 20 working day review period for a construction permit. THE 20 DAY REVIEW PERIOD BEGINS ONLY WHEN A COMPLETE APPLICATION IS RECEIVED & ALL PRIOR APPROVALS REQUIRED BY ZONING, ENGINEERING, ENVIROMENTAL, FIRE PREVENTION, UTILITIES, AND PLANNING AND LAND INCLUDING JLUB AND HPC ACTIONS HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. All Prior Approvals must be obtained before a construction permit can be issued. Prior Approvals & Review include: Zoning; Historic Preservation Commission; Engineering; Joint Land Use Board ; NJDEP; Utility Companies; Morris County Soil Conservation; Mendham Commons Home Owner Association. The size and scope of the construction project will determine the length of time for the review processes--i.e.. a single sub-code permit will take less time than a multiple sub-code permit. Due to required prior approvals, additions & alterations can take several weeks. A new home can take several months due to Board & Commission Meeting Schedules. The completeness of the information submitted with your permit can greatly assist with all review and approval process. For detailed information please click on Departments at top of Home Page and go to Construction Department. FOR QUICKEST RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS OR INQUIRIES ABOUT PERMIT APPLICAITONS PLEASE EMAIL CONSTRUCTION@MENDHAMNJ.ORG AT THE LINK BELOW. INCLUDE THE ADDRESS OF THE PROPERTY IN SUBJECT LINE OF EMAIL.
- Demolition Permit Requirements & Checklist
- CERT Registration Mendham Borough Office Of Emergency Management Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)Registration Form
- CERT Registration
- Lot Development Permit Activities requiring a lot grading plan. Prior to the issuance of any construction permit, zoning permit or driveway permit involving 1,000 square feet or more of lot coverage or 2,500 square feet or more of soil disturbance and any land disturbance involving 1,000 square feet or more of lot coverage or 2,500 square feet or more of soil disturbance where a construction permit, zoning permit or driveway permit is not required, except for normal agricultural operations in connection with a farming operation, an application for a lot grading permit shall be submitted to the Borough Engineer.
- Reservation of Allocated Sewage Capacity
- Road Opening and Driveway Permit
- Sanitary Sewer Connection
Please submit completed application and payment to Borough Engineering Administrative Assistant, Lisa Smith at the Phoenix House. Please submit completed application as a PDF and include in the subject line the type of permit requesting and location to the email below. - Lot Development Permit
- New Jersey One Call 811 New Jersey Law requires anyone digging to call at least three full business days (excluding weekends and holidays) prior to beginning work. This includes excavators as well as property and home owners’ contractors. Contact New Jersey One Call at 811 or 800-272-1000 any time, day or night.
- New Jersey One Call 811
- Certificate of Smoke Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Portable Fire Extinquisher Compliance The New Jersey Uniform Fire Code 5:70-2.3(a) requires: “Before any one or two family structure is sold, leased or otherwise made subject to a change of occupancy for residential purposes, the owner shall obtain a Certificate of Smoke Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm and Portable Fire Extinguisher Compliance (CSACMAPFEC), evidencing compliance with N.J.A.C 5:70-4.19. This is a mandatory inspection and must be completed prior to sale, lease, or change in occupancy by the Borough Fire Prevention Bureau.
Fire Permit
Business Fire Registration
- Certificate of Smoke Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Portable Fire Extinquisher Compliance
- OPRA Request Form
Requests for police records should be submitted on a OPRA Request Form -
- No Knock Registry Residents can elect to include their home address on Mendham Borough's No Knock Registry. A copy of the No Knock Registry will be provided to all individuals that have applied for, and have been issued, a license allowing COMMERICAL DOOR-TO- DOOR sales and solicitation activities in the Borough. UNDER STATE LAW §151:16-24 THE NO KNOCK REGISTRY DOES NOT APPLY TO DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS CONDUCTED BY CHARITABLE, RELIGIOUS, OR POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS.
- Peddlers & Solicitors Permit Persons or organizations wishing to conduct temporary or seasonal door-to-door solicitations must submit a completed permit application to the Police Department. All required documentation, photos and the application fee must be submitted with the application form. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Permits require Council approval. Application for a Peddler & Solicitation permit with the Borough shall not apply to any person or organization possessing a current, valid registration with the State of New Jersey pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:17A-1 et seq.,[1] a copy of which shall be filed with the Chief prior to conduct of any solicitation.
- Privacy Act of 1974 Waiver and Background Check Authorization. This form is required to be submitted with Peddlers & Solicitors Permit application.
- No Knock Registry
- FARS Portal Firearms Purchaser Identification Card / Pistol Purchase Permit
- IdentoGo Firearms Finger Printing
- Firearms Frequently Asked Questions
All Firearms Purchaser Identification Card or a Handgun Purchase Permit Applications must be completed and submitted using the NJ State Police Firearms Application Registration System (FARS) Portal. The Mendham Borough ORI Number NJ0141800 is required to be entered to complete your FARS application process. Applications initiated in FARS but not completed within 90 days will automatically be cancelled by the system and must be resubmitted. Applicants are responsible for scheduling their fingerprinting as part of the application process. For all firearms and application questions for Borough of Mendham residents, please email Detective Christopher Gibson at the email link below or call 973-543-7827. -
- Temporary Handicap Placard This fillable PDF application can be completed, printed and then returned to the MBPD for processing.
For questions about the Temporary Handicap Placard application please email Amy Halpern, Police Records Clerk.
- Shade Tree Planting Authorization Form Borough of Mendham Shade Tree Advisory Committee Annual Tree City USA Planting Program offers free street trees to Mendham Borough residence. It’s easy, just complete the Annual Tree Planting Program Authorization Form and email to
- Tree Care, Conservation & Protection Code
- Tree Removal Notification and/or Tree Permit
- Shade Tree Planting Authorization Form
- Mendham Fest Vendor Form
- Reservation Tennis Courts
- Regulations Facility & Field Please review all terms and conditions on this form before submitting a Field or Facility reservation request.
- Labor Day Parade Entry Form Join the Labor Day Parade Fun! March or drive in the Parade. The Parade is open to businesses and organizations. Or join the "Vintage and Cool Car Line-up" and drive in the parade. Parade Entry Forms are due August 29th. Send your Entry Form in today!
- Labor Day Parade Route & Staging Areas
- Labor Day Parade Entry Form
To confirm there are No Open Permits click on the SDL OPEN PERMIT SEARCH link above and log in. If you do not have an SDL account click on create account and follow the instructions. After logging in go to Find a Property. Enter the property address or block and lot numbers and click Go. You will be directed to the Property Page. To review the status of permits for the property being sold, scroll down and click on Permit Applications.- Certificate of Smoke Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm, Portable Fire Extinquisher Compliance The New Jersey Uniform Fire Code 5:70-2.3(a) requires: “Before any one or two family structure is sold, leased or otherwise made subject to a change of occupancy for residential purposes, the owner shall obtain a Certificate of Smoke Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm and Portable Fire Extinguisher Compliance (CSACMAPFEC), evidencing compliance with N.J.A.C 5:70-4.19. This is a mandatory inspection and must be completed prior to sale, lease, or change in occupancy by the Borough Fire Prevention Bureau.
- Sewer Connection Inspection This inspection is mandatory and is required for all residential property on the Borough public sewer system. The Borough of Mendham does not require an inspection on private septic systems.
- Sewer Utility Account Selling or purchasing a home? There is no need to contact the Borough to transfer service. The name of the new responsible party for the service will automatically transfer in the Borough Billing System from the sellers name to the new property owners name upon transfer of the property deed.
Prior to closing on the sale of your home all mandatory inspections must be completed.
- Change Billing Address/Payee To change the Billing Address or if leased property and there is a change in tenant and tenant pays sewer bill please fill out this form and email to:
- Change Billing Address/Payee
- 200' List Request Form
- Assessment of New Construction Guideline
- Assessment Review Assessment reviews are only conducted from Oct 1st to Dec 20th
- Farmland Assessment Application by the owner for "farmland assessment" must be made on or before August 1 of the year immediately preceding the tax year.
- Farmland Assessment Woodland Data Form The Woodland Data Form must be submitted with the Farmland Assessment Application.
- Homeowners Guide to Property Taxes
- How to Find Assessment Postcard Information Online
- Senior/Widow Deduction
- Tax Appeal Filing Procedure & Guidelines
- Veteran or Surviving Spouse/Civil Union or Domestic Partner of Veteran or Service Person Property Tax Deduction
- Veteran Peacekeeping Missions/Operations Supplemental Property Tax Deduction To qualify for the $250 Peacekeeping Missions/Operations Veteran Property Tax Deduction the Veteran must meet one of the type of service requirements on the form for a total of 14 days, unless injured in a combat zone.
- Certification of Status of Municipal Tax and Sewer Fees
Complete this form for Certification of status of Municipal Tax and Sewer Fees and return to
- Mendham Borough Zoning Map
- Street and House Number Map
Please use for reference only. -
- Outdoor Dining
- Permanent & Temporary Signs
- Roll Off Container/Dumpster
- Temporary Storage Container All containers (PODS) require a permit. - See Sub section 215-7 of the Borough ordinance
- Zoning Compliance Review & Permit Application A Zoning Compliance Review & Permit is required for variances, construction permits, exterior improvements including, but not limited to, Sheds, Additions, A/C Unit Replacements, Whole House Generators, Patios, and Fences. A Zoning Compliance Review & Permit Application must be submitted to the Zoning Office and reviewed prior to submitting an application to the Joint Land Use Board (JLUB), Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) and for a Construction Permit. Submit original and one (1) copy of application with property survey that has a raised surveyor seal showing the size of the lot; bounding streets; and the size, type, and location of existing and proposed structures with distances to all property lines denoted. Draw to scale on the survey any proposed structures on each survey.
- Zoning Compliance Review & Permit Application