Garabrant Senior Center
4 Wilson St. 
2nd & 4th Monday of Month

11:00 AM

Join us for lunch, guest speaker programs, exciting trips and activities!
For details or questions on upcoming programs or activities,
contact Mary Dangler Cillo at 201-400-7222 or


Sunday ~ June 23
Concert and Pot Luck Supper at the ballfield on Mountain Avenue.
The Mendham Seniors are invited to join this summer event and bring their favorite dish for all to enjoy
Monday ~  June 24
This meeting will have a presenter from the new business where Robinsons had been since 1847.
The owner of J A Morey Chocolate will teach us how he started to make chocolate and began selling  it in Mendham. It should be a yummy meeting starting at 11:00am.
Hope to see you there.
Monday ~ July 8 
 The Morris County Surrogate Heather Darling will offer what a surrogate's important role is for the residents of the County
She will discuss wills, estates and guardianships.  Many things seniors may never think they will need.