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Department: Construction Permits~Inspections
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- Construction Permits~Inspections
ALL INSPECTIONS MUST BE SCHEDULED THROUGH THE SDL PORTAL. To schedule or check status of permitting & inspections click on the SDL link above. If you do not have an SDL account click on Create Account and follow the instructions. Login to your account and go to Check a Building Permit Status link and enter the Permit # to review status of permitting & inspections for the property. To schedule an inspection go to On Line Request and scroll down and click on Building Inspections link. To confirm there are No Open Permits go to Find a Property Link and enter the address, block or lot to review status of all permits for the property.- Construction Permit Application Packet & Related Forms The Mendham Borough Construction Department utilizes the State Department of Community Affairs UCC Construction Permit Application Forms and Packet. Please fill out all required application forms located on the State site. Please print completed UCC application forms and submit the hard copy of your application forms at the Borough Construciton Office or in the Drop Box at the front of the Bowers Building, 6 W Main St. 07945. Completed applications forms may also be sent via US Mail or other delivery service. UCC APPLICATION FORMS MUST BE LEGIBLE AND NOT HAVE OFFICE ONLY SECTIONS BLACKED OUT. UCC APPLICATION FORMS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED ELECTRONICALLY DUE TO THE STATE MANDATING A RAISED CONTRACTOR SEAL ON MOST FORMS. The NJ UCC allows a 20 working day review period for a construction permit. THE 20 DAY REVIEW PERIOD BEGINS ONLY WHEN A COMPLETE APPLICATION IS RECEIVED & ALL PRIOR APPROVALS REQUIRED BY ZONING, ENGINEERING, ENVIROMENTAL, FIRE PREVENTION, UTILITIES, AND PLANNING AND LAND INCLUDING JLUB AND HPC ACTIONS HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. All Prior Approvals must be obtained before a construction permit can be issued. Prior Approvals & Review include: Zoning; Historic Preservation Commission; Engineering; Joint Land Use Board ; NJDEP; Utility Companies; Morris County Soil Conservation; Mendham Commons Home Owner Association. The size and scope of the construction project will determine the length of time for the review processes--i.e.. a single sub-code permit will take less time than a multiple sub-code permit. Due to required prior approvals, additions & alterations can take several weeks. A new home can take several months due to Board & Commission Meeting Schedules. The completeness of the information submitted with your permit can greatly assist with all review and approval process. For detailed information please click on Departments at top of Home Page and go to Construction Department. FOR QUICKEST RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS OR INQUIRIES ABOUT PERMIT APPLICAITONS PLEASE EMAIL CONSTRUCTION@MENDHAMNJ.ORG AT THE LINK BELOW. INCLUDE THE ADDRESS OF THE PROPERTY IN SUBJECT LINE OF EMAIL.
- Demolition Permit Requirements & Checklist